AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Split at Measure

The Split at Measure tool lets you split an existing datum into two new datums.

Network Elements (Datums or Linear Groups) may need to be 'Split' in order to carry out some network maintenance operations. For example, a new route may be added to a network, which does not start at an existing intersection. To ensure network connectivity is maintained, an element may need to be split to create a new Node Point at which the new Intersection will be formed.

The new elements will retain the Group memberships of the original element.

Assets located on the Split element will be re-located and referenced relative to the new elements.

Split at Measure After you select the Split at Measure tool and click on the datum network element that you want to split, the cursor will become a circle and display the measure along the element:

Click at the location where you want the element to be split.

The Split at Measure dialog will be displayed showing the measure and geographic coordinates of the split point. Each of these, Use Measure and Use XY can be toggled on and off. You can choose one of three combinations of settings:
  • Choose both Use Measure and Use X/Y. In this case the datum network element will be split at the selected measure, and the node will be placed at the location where you clicked. You can edit the measure in the dialog, if you want to change it from the measure selected on the map.
  • Choose only Use Measure. In this case the split point will be at the measure you have entered and the node will be located at the measure. You can edit the measure in the dialog, if you want to change it from the measure selected on the map.
  • Choose only Use X/Y.

Split At Measure Dialog

Switching the Maintain History to On will automatically Reclassify all parent routes for this datum, both before and after the split operation.

Note: The Network and all associated Asset records may be displayed as they existed prior to the Split operation by setting the Effective Date to a date that precedes the Split operation.